The overall width of the car shall not exceed 2 ¾ inches.
The car must have 1 ¾” clearance between the wheels.
The car must have 3/8” clearance underneath the body so it does not rub on the track.
The car shall not exceed 8.0 ounces.
Body does not need to be pine (other types of wood, plastic, or metal may be used). Lego, 3D-printed, and Molded body are allowed.
Performance wheels and axles are allowed.
Propulsion systems may be employed, as long as they cause no harm to the track, competitor car's, or spectators (no combustion, high pressure air tanks, or explosives).
Car owner may make quick adjustments/repairs between races.
Each car must pass inspection by the official inspection committee before it will be allowed to compete.
The Inspection Committee has the responsibility to disqualify those cars that do not meet these rules.