Pinewood Derby

Basic Car Kit

We invite your family to participate in the Holden Town Pinewood Derby, to be held in the Cultural Hall March 15th. This is a open class event, so no age limitations. We would like families to design/build/race a car together. There are plenty of design/construction aids on the web. Here are the derby details:

  • We will provide each family a Basic or Wedge Car Kit. If you would like a second car kit they can be purchased online.

  • There will be two classes: Champion and Unlimited, each family will choose which class they wish to compete in.

  • The race track will be set up Friday Evening March 14th for practice runs (fine tuning).

  • Check-in (weigh-in and inspection) begins at 4:30 PM, March 15th and Racing begins around 5:00 PM.

  • Awards will be presented to Fastest and Best Looking (coolest) in both classes.

  • Light refreshments will be provided.

Wedge Car Kit