Pinewood Derby

Basic Car Kit
We invite your family to participate in the Holden Town Pinewood Derby, to be held in the Cultural Hall March 15th. This is a open class event, so no age limitations. We would like families to design/build/race a car together. There are plenty of design/construction aids on the web. Here are the derby details:
We will provide each family a Basic or Wedge Car Kit. If you would like a second car kit they can be purchased online.
There will be two classes: Champion and Unlimited, each family will choose which class they wish to compete in.
The race track will be set up Friday Evening March 14th for practice runs (fine tuning).
Check-in (weigh-in and inspection) begins at 4:30 PM, March 15th and Racing begins around 5:00 PM.
Awards will be presented to Fastest and Best Looking (coolest) in both classes.
Light refreshments will be provided.
Wedge Car Kit